Meet Rita Devi: From Homemaker to Empowered Artisan
(Empowering Rita Devi through Lac Handicrafts & Bangle Making)
This report is about the remarkable journey of Rita Devi, a resident of Bichgadha village in Deoghar, who has undergone a transformative change from being a homemaker to achieving economic empowerment through a two-month training program on lac handicrafts and bangle making. The training, facilitated by the LIVE FOUNDATION, in the months of February-March 2023 has not only equipped Rita Devi with valuable skills but has also enabled her to generate a monthly income, thereby fostering her financial independence and personal growth.
Rita Devi, a resident of the picturesque Bichgadha village in Deoghar, a dedicated homemaker, deeply invested in the well-being of her family. Despite her commitment, she aspired to contribute economically to her household. Recognizing her enthusiasm and potential, the LIVE FOUNDATION introduced her to a comprehensive training program focused on lac handicrafts and bangle making. The training program was financially aided by Jharkhand State Co-operative Lac Marketing & Procurement Federation Ltd. (in short “JASCOLAMPF”).
With the foundation's help, Rita Devi and 59 other women in her village joined a two-month training. They learned all about making lac handicrafts and bangles. The training taught them not only how to make these wonderful things but also how to sell them and manage money wisely.
Rita Devi was eager to learn, and she quickly became skilled in making intricate designs on lac and bangles. Her hard work paid off, and she started making her own creations. With the support of the LIVE FOUNDATION, she found ways to sell her crafts in local markets.
The best part? Rita Devi's earnings started to make a big difference. Instead of relying only on her family's income, she was able to contribute money too. This made her family's life better, and it made her feel proud and confident.
Rita Devi's success didn't just affect her family. Her village noticed her amazing transformation. She became a role model for other women, showing them what's possible with a little training and a lot of determination. Her journey inspired others to discover their own talents and make a difference in their lives.
Rita Devi's story shows us how important it is to support women in learning new skills. The LIVE FOUNDATION and Rita Devi together proved that when women like her are empowered, families and communities become stronger. Rita Devi's success story lights up the path for more women to follow, creating a brighter future for everyone."
A Remarkable Success: Om Prakash's Lac Cultivation Journey
Om Prakash Laguri, a resident of Siringsiya village nestled within Siringsiya Panchayat of Tonto block in West Singhbhum, has emerged as a shining example of successful scientific lac cultivation. His remarkable achievement involves growing an impressive 109 kg of lac from a mere 15 kg of brood inoculated onto six Kusum trees. This accomplishment not only highlights his dedication and knowledge but also showcases the potential of adopting modern techniques in traditional practices.
Lac cultivation, an age-old practice in many parts of India, involves the cultivation of the lac insect (Laccifer lacca) for its resin, which is used in various industries, including the production of shellac and dye. Om Prakash Laguri's story stands as a testament to the transformation that can be achieved by embracing scientific methods within this field.
Traditionally, lac cultivation involved minimal intervention and relied heavily on natural processes. However, with the advancement of agricultural and scientific techniques, more efficient and productive methods have emerged. Om Prakash Laguri's success can be attributed to his willingness to incorporate these techniques into his practices.
The process began with the selection of suitable host trees for inoculation. Kusum trees are the preferred best host for lac insects due to their compatibility with the insect's life cycle and high quality of the resin production. Om Prakash carefully identified six healthy Kusum trees on his land for this purpose.
The brood inoculation process involved the careful placement of lac brood onto the branches of the selected trees. Inoculation is the first stage of lac cultivation. It is the process by which newly hatched (brood) nymphs/larvae get associated with new branches of host plants. This process is a crucial step in ensuring a healthy population of lac insects, which ultimately results in a higher yield of resin.
Om Prakash's dedication to the process is evident in the meticulous care he provided to the inoculated trees. Once this process is over, the insects attach themselves to the branches and start feeding on the plant's sap. As the lac insects feed on the sap, they secrete a resinous substance that hardens upon contact with air. Over time, multiple layers of this resin build up, forming encrustations around the insects.
Regular monitoring, protection from natural predators, and maintaining an optimal environment all played a role in the successful growth of the lac insects. This approach contrasts with the traditional method of minimal intervention, highlighting the benefits of a more hands-on approach when aiming for higher yields.
The end result of Om Prakash's efforts was an astounding 109 kg of lac resin, a quantity that he expected through the scientific processes he followed. This remarkable achievement is not just about the quantity of resin produced but also about the quality. Scientific methods allow for better control over factors such as resin composition and purity, enhancing the value of the final product.
Om Prakash Laguri's story is an inspiration to not only the agricultural sectors but also for climate resilience. It demonstrates that by embracing scientific knowledge and techniques, traditional practices can be elevated to new heights of productivity and sustainability. His success encourages others to explore innovative approaches that can transform age-old practices into engines of progress.
Laguri's achievement showcases the power of scientific lac cultivation. His achievement serves as a beacon of inspiration for modernizing traditional practices and reaping the rewards of merging tradition with innovation. His story underscores the potential that lies within the heart of rural India, waiting to be harnessed for the benefit of communities and the nation as a whole.
Pushpa Kumari , 26 years
“I was trained by SHILP SAHIYA and gave me an identity that I am proud of.”
Pushapa today represents SHILP SAHIYA‘s Journey. She and her friends belong to our very first batch of 2020. She is a resident of Kamta village, Ranchi and was married in her childhood. Her husband tortured her daily. So, she got separated.
Pushpa Kumari , 26 years
“I was trained by SHILP SAHIYA and gave me an identity that I am proud of.”
Pushapa today represents SHILP SAHIYA‘s Journey. She and her friends belong to our very first batch of 2020. She is a resident of Kamta village, Ranchi and was married in her childhood. Her husband tortured her daily. So, she got separated. After separation, she was very depressed and was struggling with social insecurity and finiancial crisis. While she wanted to continue her education, there was pressure to supplement household income. And struggling with her personal life, she failed to study more. Finally, she decided to work as a househelper. She came to Live Foundation asking for a job in 2020. After listening to her story, she was offered to join as trainee by Ms. Chhandosree. In those days, free training of craft making and cloth stitching to vulnerable and tribal women were going on.
Pushpa had a creative bent of mind. But she was demotivated by family, she wanted to drop-out, but our mentor Chhandosree ignited her fighting spirit and with concentrated efforts and mentoring she managed to clear the training.
After completing her training, she started to work for SHILP SAHIYA. Her experience and growth with SHILP SAHIYA convinced her that personal skill is key to change for everyone and inspired her to start her own business. Pushpa is now an entrepreneur. But more than an entrepreneur, she is a role model for all in the community who aspire to be like her.
अंजली लागुरी : एक छोटी लाह किसान
चाईबासा में लाह खेती करने वाले हमारे किसानों में सबसे छोटी महिला लाह किसान हैं – अंजली लागुरी. चाईबासा के झीकपानी प्रखंड अंतर्गत चेड़ेयापहाड़ी गाँव की महज 18 वर्ष की अंजली माता-पिता और पांच भाई- बहनों वाले परिवार में इकलौती किसान हैं. पिता राजमिस्त्री हैं तथा एक भाई और एक बहन पढ़ाई कर रहे हैं एवं दो भाई गुजरा
अंजली लागुरी : एक छोटी लाह किसान
चाईबासा में लाह खेती करने वाले हमारे किसानों में सबसे छोटी महिला लाह किसान हैं – अंजली लागुरी. चाईबासा के झीकपानी प्रखंड अंतर्गत चेड़ेयापहाड़ी गाँव की महज 18 वर्ष की अंजली माता-पिता और पांच भाई- बहनों वाले परिवार में इकलौती किसान हैं. पिता राजमिस्त्री हैं तथा एक भाई और एक बहन पढ़ाई कर रहे हैं एवं दो भाई गुजरात के किसी कारखाने में काम करते हैं. वैसे तो अंजली ने भी पढ़ाई नहीं छोड़ी है; वो ग्रेजुएशन फर्स्ट इयर में पढ़ाई भी करती हैं. पर वो पढ़ाई के साथ-साथ लाह खेती भी करती हैं. एक साल पहले ये हमारी संस्था “लिव फाउंडेशन” के साथ जुडी थीं. अंजली ने “लिव फाउंडेशन” द्वारा आयोजित कराए जाने वाले लाह खेती प्रशिक्षण कार्यशालाओं से प्रशिक्षण लिया है और एक साल से लाह की खेती कर रही हैं. अंजली बताती हैं -
“कॉलेज से घर के रास्ते में गाँव के किसी व्यक्ति का बगान पड़ता था. एक रोज कॉलेज से लौटते वक्त मैंने देखा कि एक महिला उन पेड़ों में किसी दवा का छिड़काव कर रही थी. उत्सुकतावश मैं उनके पास चली गई और आश्चर्य मिश्रित शब्दों में उनसे पूछा कि वो क्या कर रही हैं, ये दवा उन्हें कहाँ से मिली और इस दवा की आवश्यकता पेड़ों को क्यों हुई, हमारे पास भी बगान हैं पर मैंने कभी अपने पिता या भाइयों को उस पर कोई दवा छिडकते नहीं देखा है फिर आप क्यों कर रहीं हैं? मैंने एक साथ सवालों की झड़ी लगा दी थी; मेरे इतने सारे सवाल पर हंसते हुए उन महिला ने मुझे बताया कि वो दवा का छिड़काव इसीलिए कर रही हैं क्यूंकि उन पेड़ों पर वो लाह की खेती करती हैं. उस दिन पहली बार मुझे पता चला कि लाह की खेती पेड़ों पर होती है. मैंने उनसे लाह की खेती के विषय में और अधिक बताने को कहा. उन्होंने मुझे बताया कि उन्हें लिव फाउंडेशन नामक एक स्वयं सेवी संस्था ने इस खेती की जानकरी दी है और मुझे भी उसी संस्था के कार्यकर्ताओं के पास अधिक जानकारी के लिए जाना चाहिए. घर आकर मैंने अपने पिता से बात की तो उन्होंने बताया कि वो लाह की खेती के विषय में तो जानते हैं पर लाह खेती की वैज्ञानिक विधि नहीं जानते. मैं अपने पिता से बात करके उनके साथ लिव फाउंडेशन के कार्यकर्ताओं से मिली और लाह की खेती की पूरी जानकारी ली. हमारे पास कुसुम के दस, बेर के आठ और पलाश के चार पेड़ थे. हमने सभी पेड़ों पर लाह की खेती शुरू की. इसमें लिव फाउंडेशन ने कभी प्रशिक्षण के माध्यम से तो कभी खेती हेतु विभिन्न यंत्र देकर हमारी बहुत मदद की. विभिन्न प्रशिक्षणों और बैठकों के माध्यम से लिव फाउंडेशन के कार्यकर्ताओं और प्रशिक्षकों ने हमें वैज्ञानिक विधि से खेती करना सिखाया जिससे लाह का उत्पादन ज्यादा अच्छा हो. पेड़ों की छटाई, बीज लगाना, दवा का छिड़काव करना ये सब मैंने सीखा. आज एक साल हो गए और हमारी खेती बहुत अच्छी हुई है. मैंने थोड़ी कच्ची लाह (स्क्रैप लाह) चाईबासा के ही बाजार में बेचा भी है जिसकी अच्छी कीमत मुझे मिली. अब इस काम में मेरी माँ और पिता भी मदद करने लगे हैं हमने अपने बगान की खाली जमीन पर और पेड़ भी लगा दिए हैं. लिव फाउंडेशन की सहायता और परामर्श से मै इस खेती को और आगे ले जाना चाहती हूँ. इसके लिए मैंने लिव फाउंडेशन द्वारा शुरू किए जा रहे झींकपानी लाह कोआपरेटिव के लिए अपना रजिस्ट्रेशन भी करवा लिया है.”
इतनी कम उम्र में पढाई के साथ-साथ खेती के प्रति इनका अंजली का जज्बा काबिले तारीफ़ है. अंजली हमारे लाह किसान कोआपरेटिव से जुड़ने वाले अन्य किसानों के लिए एक प्रेरणा श्रोत हैं.
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